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Tri 3 CSA Kyle M
Website for Kyle Myint's Tri 3 CSA Work
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Kyle Myint
Member of m22p2-BTBW
Tech Talks
Java Work
Test Prep
Tech Talk 3: Sorts
4 types of sorts; Bubble, Insertion, Selection, and Merge
Bubble Sort
Iterate through dataset, comparing and switching 2 adjacent entries until full set is sorted
Iterate through dataset, taking each entry and inserting it into the proper position in an output structure
Search through the dataset for the element belonging in the next position and put it at the beginning
Break down the original dataset and sort subsets, then merge subsets together for final list
Run to find speed and big O complexity of each algorithm to find most efficient
Run sort on dataset of 5000 entries 12 times, find average time of middle 10
Tech Talk 2: Calculator
Using Reverse Polish Notation
3 + 4 = 3 4 +
Need to create a way to read that and then parse inputs
Use stack to store
Allows us to make sure everything goes in order, and helps with parsing RPN format
Use hash map to define operators
Allows us to set precedence levels
Maintains order of operations
Also need separators for structure
Tech Talk 1: Data Structures
What are data structures?
Methods of organizing data
Include things such as arrays, lists, dictionaries, integers, floats, or even databases
Data structures and algorithms
Data structures and algorithms intertwine and can be used together to create optimized and efficient code
Programming Paradigms
Paradigm: approach/methodology when writing software
Python is an interpretive paradigm; very procedural and modular
Java is object oriented; has reusable strucutres and code - easy to use blueprint for code scaling
Data Structures
In both interpretave and object oriented, common data structures are used to achieve success in code
Arrays/lists and dictionaries are used to hold multiple data values, with dictionaries having keys and values associated