Website for CSA m22p2-btbw

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Jekyll Site for m22p2-btbw

Intro Wireframes and Diagrams About Links

Oasis Systems

Kevin Do, Tanmay Marwah, Kyle Myint, and Charlie Zhu
Tri 3 CSA Repo for m22p2-btbw

Project and sponsor objectives

Objectives before N@TM

Objectives and Requirements

If we’re able to complete all of the listed objectives, then in addition to a live presentation (Tuesday), we’ll have fulfilled all of the requirements of our sponsor. The login system & database will connect to our authentication/security system, and then we’ll be able to teach others how to create their own systems through the live presentation and instruction on the site.

Time Box

Purpose is to track progress of the project

Week # Due Date Objectives
5 April 25 - Watch videos such as this one to familiarize and follow how to use spring security as well as JWT and mySQL. Get vague outline of it working on a repository, essentially, listen to how they teach and then alter to add mroe functionality for future weeks. THis week progress somewhat slow due to Charlie being the only PBLer.
6 May 2 - Make sure to finalize understanding of databases and autentication, begin implementing into our own group project. Try to start adding CRUD functionality to the pre existing code that only admins can alter.
7 May 9 - Incorporate Frontend to show users how authentication was accomplished with Spring Security and base frontend off existing WireFrame for the project. This week will be mostly polishing.
8 May 16 - Site will hopefulyl be deployed and be used by all of the other CSA coders for their own projects. This will be a rough approximation of when we will have a fully functional site.

Project Description + Ideas

Project Owner Requirements
